What is the role of a Tour guide / Director?

1).Motivate/Generate Enthusiasm: It is your job to help people enjoy their vacation. You motivate people to stretch and grow and do things that they might not do without your suggestion. Encourage them to try new foods, learn a few words of a new language and participate in the customs or culture of a foreign land. This is where you put your signature on the tour by being creative.
2).Congenial host: Your priority is to meld the group together into a happy family of travelers. You help everyone become part of the group and have a good time.
3).Set the mood: Each tour has certain theme or focus. Whether it is the relaxation and leisure of Serengeti vacation or walking safaris, It is your job to get the group into that mood.
4).Source of Information; You prepare commentary and briefings that are well organized, interesting, and relevant. You know when to talk, what to talk about and when to be quiet. You provide a balance of information and entertainment. You know the answers to the most frequently asked question on any tour.
5).Business Agent: You are there to see that the tour company gets what they contracted for and the tour clients get what they paid for. You present the company in the field. You are the “face” of the Company.